Wednesday, December 09, 2009


It's even colder tonight than it was last night. We're down to.... just a minute, let me go check.. Wow, it's gotten warmer. It was -13ºF but now it's up to a balmy negative single digit of -9ºF. Whew, that's a relief.

I had to run errands this afternoon, some of them with the teen. So we stopped at our fave Mexican restaurant for Taco Tuesday ($1 a taco) and, for William, a bowl of fried ice cream.

But not before I stopped to take some photos. Just a few, before my fingers started to feel like they were gonna break off in the cold.

I liked this mailbox. It was standing out at the corner of a V in the road, the late afternoon sun lighting up the green wood, the only real color in a wash of muted tones.

I liked that it stood out. I wondered if it was old and empty or filled with holiday letters. Or maybe bills. It's sort of like the winter season. Nature empties down to the bare frame and waits for spring to be delivered. We wait. Knowing that the season will change, the days will start to lengthen again. And a new year will bring..... what will the new year bring to our lives?

Then William threw a snowball at me. While I was holding my camera. On a slippery icy road. That wicked child! So I tried to take a photo of him and he closed his eyes. But when I uploaded the pic I liked it, he seemed sort of blissed out, in the moment. The shadows soft behind him.

The sun, ready to meet the mountain ridge. William and I ready for a plate of warm tacos.

For warmer photos, Laume's Studio.


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