Wemple's Pumpkin Patch - Take Two

Jeff and I went to the pumpkin patch on October 1, the first day they were opened. That day the corn maze was still green, the grass was still green, many of the pumpkins were still green. The temperature was in the 90's. It was fun, but just didn't feel like proper pumpkin patch weather. Wednesday we went back to the pumpkin patch with Lisa and the kids and the crops were ready and the sky was sunny and autumn cool. In other words, just right.

This was as close as Joli wanted to get the turkeys as they were "stinky". She and Papa agreed they preferred turkey on the table.

Every year I make it through the corn maze, although sometimes it takes hours. This was the first year Joli was old enough to want to give it a try and I knew from the start there was no way to solve it with Joli in the lead. We had fun going in circles though.

We played zombies and scared Mommy and Papa.

Joli was very concerned about the trolls that lived under the three bridges in the maze. Joli and I crept quietly across so we wouldn't wake the trolls up. Lisa, on the other hand, stomped over the bridges as loudly as she could in her big boots. She likes to live on the edge of danger.

Jeff actually brought Markus into the maze in a giant stroller - huffing and puffing and commenting every three minutes that we were lost and destined to starve to death, our bones found in the spring.

After we finally found our way out of the corn maze (we ended up having to cut straight through the corn to the edge and do NOT ask me how Jeff managed that in a stroller as I was off playing Marco Polo with Joli so she wouldn't truly get lost, Joli found this straw bale maze a little more manageable.

We pretended to be scary pumpkins sitting atop the bale.

Jeff and Markus were happy to sit this maze out.

Then it was time for the pumpkin fields. We finally had heavy frost the night before that had damaged a lot of the pumpkins so the pickings were rather slim this year.

Joli thought this was the cutest little baby pumpkin ever.

Markus has two favorite toys - spoons and pumpkins.

Eventually we all found the perfect pumpkin.

She's really outstanding in her field. (hehehehe)

But mostly she's running.

And running.

Finally the chilly weather (and all the running) exhausted us all and it was time to head someplace warmer.

Chinese Restaurant

Hot soup!

And spoons.
Such beautiful photo's!
That was fun! Joli has grown so much since I last saw her, and what a cutie she still is. Thanks for sharing this, I don't get these kind of experiences.
Laume, this is such a joyous post!! The camera certainly loves Joli, what a doll...the whole bunch of you!
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