Sunday, March 29, 2009

Poem in Your Pocket Day

I saw this flyer posted on the door of the local county art gallery the other day. You can click to open the photo to make it easier to read. Or you can go directly to the link they show on the bottom.

I thought this was a brilliantly fun idea. I'm going to find myself a poem for my pocket and on April 30 I'll see how many people I can get listen to me read it. It will be a short poem I think. I don't want to push people too far out of their comfort zone.

And I'll post my poem here.

If you participate, let me know what poem you chose and share it online. I'll come "listen to you read it" by hopping on over to your blog.


Blogger wishy the writer said...

I shared my favorite poem for Poem in Your Pocket on my blog at .

Hope you enjoy!

10:56 AM  

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