Friday, March 27, 2009

What's in the Fridge = What's for Dinner

I wasn't even gonna make dinner tonight, as I was tuckered out from digging out, moving, and refilling giant oak barrels all evening. But, digging out, moving, and refilling giant oak barrels makes one HUNGRY! Tired and hungry. I was just gonna ..... eat cereal?

Instead I ended up whipping up a "everything in the fridge I need to use up" dinner that turned out so nicely (and was less then fifteen minutes in the whipping) that Hubby polished off everything I didn't get to on my first serving.

A cold red potato and carrot salad with no mayo - just oil, balsamic vinegar, and a dash of horseradish sauce. It's got a bit of chopped broccoli in it too. I will definitely make this again. If I can remember how...

Another experimental dish that revolved around using up the green beans. It's got sliced almonds, the last of the fennel, mushrooms, fresh tomato (thrown in at the last minute so it they didn't stew) and seasoned with dried tarragon. The combo worked very well together. Green beans like tarragon.


Blogger Lutra said...

Please keep posting your delicious kitchen fixings!
I used to cook like this, but with the Mock Swedish Chief (My nickname for DH-the supposedly classically trained chief that likes to eat at McDonald's!) in the kitchen I can't seem to remember how!
Thanks for reminding me!
Oh, BTW, instead of mayo in potato and sandwich type salads (tuna, chicken, egg), try using either Greek or goat milk yogurt...I love the goat because it has such rich flavor, and is really good for you!The Greek is thincker and binds well.

12:09 PM  

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