Annoying Things
Annoying thing #1 - the heat. UGH. Temperatures over 100 degrees. Enuf said.
Annoying thing #2 - our internet cable company. It's switched ownerships three times over the last few years. The first two companies did a fairly decent job. This last company has the same friendly local people but the service is intermittent, sluggish, and makes me want to switch companies. But our local options aren't numerous. And I'm tired of changing all my internet information, I'm finally just getting all the e-mail and password preferences fixed from the last changes. Lately the service has been almost nonexistent. But, enough whining.
Let's chat about happy things instead.
We went to Reno on Friday and picked up our British Faery friend Victoria who's here for a nice long visit until we all head up to Faerieworlds at the end of the month. Poor girl has never even been close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. But she's holding up admirably.
We're having fun, despite not being able to get online to tell anyone about it. Making outfits and other faery garb, discussing food and cultures and watching televison (another Trueblood addict in the making), and we headed over to the fair last night so I could have eat my once-a-year treat of a locally made Indian Taco. YUM!
The only thing we've taken photos of so far were of the shiny lights on the carnival midway, which has nothing to do with what we did, which was to tour the exhibit halls and chat with the many folks who passed us on the main vendor corridors to catch up on hellos and hugs. But, I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to photograph all the bright colors. So, for your entertainment: (I think you can click to open them larger this time - last time I told you that, I was lying, but try again, this time I'm pretty sure it will work)
Photos up on Laume's Studio of some of the fabric goodies I bought in Reno.
You have some really great pictures in this group from the carnival. You should make cards on Cafe Press or something. You have a great eye!
COLOR! NEON! I love it all... very cool shots - gives me courage to take pictures of stuff that will likely make people wonder what I'm up to also! besides - it might be fun to have someone other than my husband give me that "um... wha'cha doin'?" look! :D beautiful
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