Thursday, June 29, 2006

Holiday Photos #7

Well, lookie what I found! A bunch of photos I'd uploaded before I left and forgot to post. Since I've been so absent here, and folks have been kind enough to keep clicking in and finding nothing new, I thought I'd finish this post and switch it from draft to publish for your viewing pleasure.

Here's a picture of me in front of St. Michael's Tower on the top of the Glastonbury Tor.

Looking the other way, here's William, graciously agreeing to carry my very heavy back pack down the other side of the Tor, and the beautiful green scenery behind him. Wow, having just driven though the American Southwest, it really look green to me now. Talk about opposite geographies.

This photo comes with a story. These are two English kindergarteners on a field trip. Behind me the rest of their class is clambering noisily, bumpily, joyfully up the hill. But these two were far ahead, holding hands, lost in their own special best friends childhood world. I turned to take this photo of William and the top of the Tor and the girls noticed my camera and without really thinking about it, automatically posed. When I was done, I pointed to William. They turned, saw him, realized i was taking a picture of him, not them, and giggling, ran off the rest of the way up the hill.

When the rest of the class and I finally crossed paths a bit further down, I commented to one of the teachers that the two girls ahead must be the "fast ones". Oh no, she corrected me. The fastest ones are down there. She pointed down to the bottom of the hill where another teacher was standing with three little boys. The teacher waved down the hilll and the other teacher gave a sign and WOOSH, like they'd been let out of the starting gate, the little boys came racing up the hill at full tilt. Ahhhh, what smart teachers!

Here's another photo that William took. The car in the front is called a Smart Car. They're all over England and Paris. Most Americans only know them now from movies like The Da Vinci Code or The Pink Panther, but they'll be available in the USA sometime soon. We knew about them because hubby loves cars and keeps up on things like this. So, William took a lot of photos of cars to show his papa. This photo also shows another of my husband's favorite cars in the background, a Mini. It's sort of strange how much my husband loves small cars when you consider that he's 6'4" tall.


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