Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We're Home


We arrived home on Monday evening actually. After 24 hours of travel by foot, elevator, escalator, moving sidewalk, train, plane, and automobile. So you'll forgive me that I didn't get to the computer that night. I managed to stay up another few hours to make it officially bedtime in our returning timezone and then I was asleep.

My mom stayed an extra day so we could visit with her on our return, so yesterday I spent time with her and started the long process of uploading my photos so I could use/print them. Today I take my mom back to the airport and then it's back to life as usual. Well, life as unusual is more par for the course around here. So back to that then.

More details soon.


Blogger Belita Rose said...

You guys looks so sweet! It's like you love each other or something! :)Love you!

10:33 PM  
Blogger Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

aww I love that photo of you two! Glad you had a good trip.

4:40 PM  

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