Paris Fever
It's that time of year again, when everyone is succumbing to various bugs. The one I've come down with seems to have become an annual sickness, Paris Fever. I'm never really cured, but the fever rises around this time of year, probably because this is the time of year that I've begun my travel planning in earnest for my past trips to my favorite city.
And this season it also brings Paris to mind as the plan was to spend next year's holidays in the City of Lights with my daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Since the daughter-in-law has gone and gotten herself knocked up (of course my son shares some blame for this situation), I suspect that a plane trip halfway around the world with an almost four year old AND a five month old is no longer on the agenda. Too, there will be two new grandbabies celebrating their first Christmas next year and I'm not sure I'm willing to miss out on being a part of that. Hubby and I might still go traveling next winter, but probably not during the holidays. Christmas in Paris will have to wait for another year.
But that doesn't stop me from dreaming of being there. I don't even have tp dream of being there next year, I can dream of being there THIS year. The holiday lights, the window displays, bundling up in a double wrapped scarf and some warm but walkable new boots. Stopping in a salon du thé for a thé au lait or chocolat chaud. Visiting the yet unexplored shopping hot spots or spending a rainy day hiding out in a gallery or museum or maybe holed away in Shakespeare & Co. Even just sitting in my pied-à-terre sipping a cappuccino and looking out over the rooftops or street while I tap away at writing a new novel. (Hey, this is my dream so YES, I'm writing a NEW novel (having already published my OLD novel), and of course I have my own pied-à-terre.)
Since I have yet to visit Paris in December, I don't have any photos of the city in winter. (Just Google or Flickr search for lots of luscious images online of course. Or visit some of the wonderful Paris lover's blogs that exist out there.)
But I do have lots of photos I have yet to share from Paris in April. Let's wander through some random shots, just a few that caught my mood tonight, and pretend we're reflecting back on the day we spent together.
We went out early to grab some fresh bread at our local boulangerie, brought it back home and had toast with confiture de framboise and thé.

We caught up on some email, picked out some good walking shoes, and spent the rest of the morning at the Musee D' Orsay.

We stopped at a cafe for a quick bite and then went off to do some shopping.

Of course that worked up quite a thirst so we stopped by Laduree for a late afternoon tea and conversation.

This is supposed to be a working vacation so, feeling a bit chagrined at how late it was, we scurried back to the studio and grabbed out laptops. We were going to sit in one of the many parks (which all have free WIFI) and write, but it was a bit chilly, so instead we hid out at one of the many Starbucks. Hey, it was close, and quiet, no one else in the upstairs room. We might have wandered away most of the day but we managed several inspired hours of writing and then went off in search of dinner.

We thought maybe something quick in the Latin Quarter but we got sidetracked looking at kitschy stuff in a tourist shop. Then we bumped into some friends (it's a small world indeed) and chatted until dark.

By then the area was getting noisy, and our friends suggested a little bistro away from the crowds.

Saying goodbye to our friends we stood on the sidewalk debating whether or not to go home yet. Knowing we only had a few short weeks here though, neither of us were ready to call it a day. Well, we did call it a day, but the night was young. And well lit of course.

A walk along the Seine seemed like the perfect way to use up a few of the many calories we managed to consume today. You didn't listen to me about wearing your more comfortable shoes so you weren't sure how long you'd last after all the walking we did earlier. We decided we'd go as far as Notre Dame.

Here we are. Isn't it beautiful at night? Of course our accomodations are a bit farther off. Time to head to the nearest metro entrance and shorten the time home. We're both ready to be tucked under the covers in bed.
Sorry, this is my dream. I get the bed. You get the fold out couch. But we'll both have sweet dreams. Of visiting Paris again. Maybe even during the holidays.
Sorry, this is my dream. I get the bed. You get the fold out couch. But we'll both have sweet dreams. Of visiting Paris again. Maybe even during the holidays.