Saturday, February 28, 2009

Just Sittin' Around

I think my last post was a bit too braggy. Everything is going great. I'm walking and walking. Brag, brag, brag.

Well, not so much the last couple of days. Yesterday I felt like someone had pulled the plug and all the energy drained out. Ugh. I managed a small walk. But my heart wasn't in it. Every step seemed like work. I did manage to chat with a couple of nice horses, but it was the first time I can honestly say I wished I was home laying on the couch instead.

This morning I had to run some errands and even though I'd had breakfast first, I felt shaky. I finally felt woozy enough that I stopped and ate something, sat down with a book. I felt better after that. And I didn't feel as drained this evening. But I didn't get a walk in at all. I guess it's unreasonable to expect no ups and downs.

Speaking of books, I finally finished a book that I have been chipping away at for months. Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik. I've been enjoying the small moments here and there that I could slip away to the city of my dreams. Now that I've finished it, I'll have to choose another book to woo my Francophile heart.

But for tonight, I'll settle for sharing a few Paris moments from my photos. I guess when you get "sitting around" and "Paris" together in my brain, you get a silly montage like this:

Here's Hubby warming a bench somewhere in the Marais.

Hubby relaxing near the Stravinsky Fountain.

Hubby resting on the steps of the Sacre Coeur.

Hubby taking a nap in Monet's Garden. Are you seeing a pattern here? You can't blame him. Not with all the walking we did. And that whole one and a half lungs thing. (inside joke)

Here's Sam, Kyla and Hubby all resting. I'm still on my feet, taking photos. I took the least breaks of us all because there was just so many different sights to try to capture. I did my resting during our longer stops - at a bistro, a cafe, a brasserie.

Here's Hubby not sitting. We're in Rodin's garden and he found a podium missing a sculpture at the moment, so he's doing his best to fill in for it.

Here's Hubby lounging in the Musee D' Orsay. He did, in fact, spend a lot of time sitting in the museum while I continued on to see more rooms, but it was on the lower floor of the building. But I had him sit here so I could take a picture of him because....

Two years earlier this was the exact spot where William mutinied - NO MORE ART! William had been to a lot of art museums by this point and he boycotted any more for the rest of the trip, starting immediately. Not museums, just art museums. Still, I love this photo. I have it framed and displayed in the living room.

But back to Hubby and he back to his favorite Paris viewing position - sitting. Here he's looking up to admire the Eiffel Tower that's looming over us. Look who else is sitting on the bench. Ahhhh. They do say Paris is for lovers. Sigh. But it makes the old guy look sort of sad in comparison, doesn't it? Sitting there all by his lonesome. Well, don't you worry.....




Thursday, February 26, 2009

Food Fun and Frustrations

About two weeks in, I thought I'd give you an update on my New and Improved Me Regime, AKA the battle against cholesterol and triglycerides. I'm happy to report - So far, so good! Now, I have no idea if it's actually helping improve my lab results. But I am on track with meeting my self imposed goals.

1. I've been walking every day instead of the 3-4 days a week I had managed. I've only missed one day and that was a day of really wild and crazy wind and rain.

2. I haven't cheated on the types of food I've been eating.

3. I've kept to my calorie goals in order to lose weight, it being the third thing I could influence (the others being diet and exercise.)

Mostly, it's going well. In fact it's really kick jumped me into what I'd been trying to muddle towards with mixed results before having this new incentive. There has been a few frustrations.

I miss bread. Which I'm not eating much of mainly for calorie reasons. Whole grain breads are certainly a good food choice, but I'll eat them later. Ditto dark chocolate. Just to tempting to go from eating one one small square to eating two or eight or twenty seven small squares.

I hit a low point a few nights ago and went a wee bit too ballistic on Hubby for eating all the Cheerios. The next day both Hubby and I went out and bought a super huge box of Cheerios to avoid further bizarre battles.

My doctor recommended I add weight resistance exercises to the aerobic exercise I'm already doing. I'm thinking this will be boring. And will require more time out of my day that I'd prefer to use in other ways. Can I do this at home or will I have to sign up for the gym? Jury is out on whether this is really a negative.

Mostly, there's been a lot of plusses.

I'm cooking a lot, lot, lot more. Because eating out is just too complicated. I've started to consider eating out, at least as much as I used to, to be a triple bad idea. I look at the menus and think a) I can make that taste a lot better, b) I can make that a lot healthier, and c) I can make that for a lot less money!

Hubby and I have still stuck to our weekly lunch date though at our friends' French restaurant and Rita has managed to come up with something that fits my criteria and tastes so heavenly that it's worth every penny. I took photos today of our plates:

This was Hubby's tri tip on a bed of greens.

And my spicy grilled ling cod on the same greens with corn relish, hold the dressing. It was supposed to be served on a bed of lentils but I'd made a big pot of lentil chili at home and had been eating it off and on for a week, so she substituted the greens for me. Soooo delicious!

Back at home, I'm really enjoying all that cooking. It's not taking up as much time as I expected it to, probably because I remember cooking and cleaning up after SEVEN people, not two or three. It's become a meditative and centering part of my routine. And it's created more routine in my day, in a positive way.

Hubby says he can hardly wait to come home each night now to see what wonderful meal I'll have ready for him. A big difference from the last few years when coming home and asking "what's for dinner" would get him the response "I don't know. Maybe you can make yourself a tv dinner." or maybe simply "I don't know." Silence. Unfortunately, William hasn't been as inspired to enjoy all this healthy bounty. He's still opting out far too often. They were all like this at this age. Sigh.

I thought the hardest part would be giving up sugar in my tea and coffee. Au contraire, I quickly adjusted and am actually enjoying some of my teas a lot more now that I can taste the subtle differences that haven't been hidden under what I thought was a harmless small teaspoon of sugar.

Ditto oatmeal. I used to eat it with milk and a whopping tablespoon (or, *cough* maybe more) of brown sugar. I started out substituting applesauce and cinnamon. Then just the cinnamon. Now I'm just splashing it with soy milk and it tastes plenty sweet without anything at all.

I already knew a lot about nutrition before this but I've learned even more. Little snippets of information that I hadn't paid any attention to but that makes a big difference. Knowledge that will be helpful for the rest of my life.

I'm actually having trouble some days eating enough calories! I remember back in my later twenties, a few years after I'd stepped away from my years of being a health food "purist", looking back at photos from those days and being surprised at how thin I looked. Not that I wasn't still pretty thin, but there was a noticable difference. I'd never noticed at the time because I didn't have a scale and I was eating all the food I wanted, never paid attention to serving size or worrying about seconds (or even thirds). I wasn't dieting. I was eating lots of yummy food. I think that's what's happening now. Not the being thin part I mean, but the eating lots of food part. There's really only been one or two days where I felt hungry at one point and that was early in the first week and it was when I forgot to eat before I went out or something. I had a couple nights (about a half a week ago, when I was having that low point I mentioned earlier) when the late night munchies reared it's head again. But it wasn't out of hunger pains, it was out of boredom. I brought a sliced orange to bed a couple nights in a row and got over it.

I still wish my lab results had come back all peachy keen but since they didn't, I'm doing my best to enjoy the silver lining.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Host of Angels

I had a rather nice day today. It was cold and blustery, the sky was spitting occasional raindrops from gray clouds but blue sky took up at least have the space above and so I decided to brave a walk. Tired of walking down the same streets, I drove across town, parked in a neighborhood across main street and wandered.

I ended up in the end at a small cemetery that I'd noticed tucked away in an industrial area, and always forgotten to check out. Mainly because it didn't look particularly interesting from the road as I drove by it from time to time. But it turns out that the part you can see from the road is just the bottom of an "L", the vertical part of the "L" goes back off the road between some pastures and wild land to one side and county buildings to the other.

Much to my surprise it was really beautiful back there. Full of lots of deer, who watched me without much concern, and lots of quail who scurried like little wind up toys whenever I got too close to their covies. And also full of lots and lots of angels! My favorites!


A lot of angels in U.S. cememteries - at least the smaller local ones - are young cherubs. This one looks a bit older and wiser.


Here's one wrapped in garlands. Fake garlands, but pretty nontheless.


Some of the angels had pieces broken off - arms or hands or wings. This poor stone person - nothing left but his or her feet!


An unusual find, a boy angel.


This family had three angels in a row.


I love her chubby little feet.


Here's her "sister", missing a wing. Look at the beautiful detail on her collar and sleeve.

The youngest in the row of cherubs looks a bit more contemporary in design. I didn't check the dates on stones. I usually spend more time, but it was getting darker and threatening to rain, so I'll have to go back again on a sunnier day. She might be a bit different than her older siblings, but she doesn't appear to be self conscious about her diminutive cuteness.


I like tree branches and fading light behind her. She had a broken wing but someone fixed it for her.


This is just a praying girl figure, but she looks angelic, doesn't she? She reminds me of a children's version of a Virgin de Guadalupe.


Not all the angels were atop the stones. This one was tucked into the corner of a plot. She's very loyal, staying nearby even though she's stuck in a bed of stones and weeds.


I thought I had seen all the winged creatures when something caught my eye .... a fallen angel! She was tossed behind a utility shed!


She might be lost, abandoned, not to mention headless, but she's my favorite of them all.

More pretty photos over on Laume's Studio tonight.

You Know You Have Too Many Cats When.... loose the television remote and you have to pick up more than three cats to find it. It was under obese Ginny Weasley. Completely under her.

And Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's delivery of the Republican response to Obama's address today - Am I the only one that thought he sounded like he was using his kindergarten teacher voice to "talk to his class"? Beyond the "did he even listen to Obama's speech?" disconnect, the mind boggling decision to use the government debacle in handling Katrina as a reason why we shouldn't listen to the Democrat's ideas, and the whole part about Republican's plan for universal health care coverage (Republicans have a health care plan? Hiding in what alternate universe?) - I just couldn't get over the creepy "And now boys and girls..." Mr. Roger's storytelling voice.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog

Am I the last one to discover Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog?!? I'm liking Joss Whedon's new show, Dollhouse, but two episodes in, I'm not convinced it's gonna stick around. It doesn't have the iconic wit and humor that Buffy, Angel, or Firefly were known for, so not all the Whedon fans seem to be on board. (I do NOT have to include explanatory links for those last three shows, do I!?) As a sci-fi/fantasy drama, it might get a following, or it might not, considering all the competition there is out there for shows in the same genre. I think the closest thing to the type of intellectual humor in the old Josh Whedon shows nowadays is probably Eureka. Maybe Psych. I think you can find full length episodes of all these shows in case any of them are new to you and you want to check them out. Am I missing any other shows that you think are comparable?

But, Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog is some of the great old silly and smart Whedon fans love the most. You can watch it for free on the official fan website link above. Or at Hulu. (Apparently only if you're in the U.S. for some reason unknown to me.) You can probably piece the whole thing together at Youtube. And it's available for sale as a DVD and I'm betting it's a Netflix choice.

To whet your appetite, here's the official trailer:

I watched it for the first time last night but I'm certain I'm gonna have to watch it once or twice or a dozen times more so I can memorize the songs. Such awesome lyrics simply can't be wasted. I must get them stuck in my head so I can break out into silliness whenever the moment calls for it.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rainbows and Red Wine

The rain has been pouring down for the last two days. And occasionally the wind whips up just as strong. A brief break between storms this afternoon. I went out to the market. Out the door and into the car I went, turned on the car, did a quick U-turn to head the right direction and as I finished turning around I slammed on the brakes and gasped. I didn't mean to slam on the breaks. Probably not a good idea since another vehicle could have been coming around the corner right behind me and would have expected me to NOT slam on my brakes.

But I saw the fullest, most vibrant rainbow I can remember seeing in... well, I can remember seeing. Maybe I've seen better rainbows, but if I have, I don't remember seeing them. Anyway, it was so bright it looked like someone had photoshopped it into the sky and doubled the color.

I jumped out the car, ran inside, grabbed my camera, raced back out, waited for the big truck to pass by before leaping across the street, turned around and...

This is what was left just twenty seconds later. It was only a shadow of it's original magnificence! At least I got to see it. If I hadn't picked that moment to leave to the store, I wouldn't have seen it at all. And I got at least this much of a photo of it while it was still whole. All but the right leg of it faded away within seconds. That last bit of it lingered for about twenty minutes. I think you might be able to see it better if you click the photo open.

I had a bottle of cabernet sauvignon in the fridge and I'd been having a small glass (2 oz.) with dinner every other day or so this last week. A healthier replacement treat to.... uhm.... a half bar of dark chocolate most nights. I suppose one small bite of chocolate wouldn't be bad for me but I'm not ready to dabble with it yet. I think I'm afraid of not being able to stop at just one bite. But I digress. I finished up the bottle a couple nights ago and so tonight I opened this bottle I bought last summer, chosen like I choose most of my wines, because I liked the label. It's nice enough. I liked the cabernet sauvignon better. It had a darker, oakier, heavier taste.

More often, I still have tea with dinner. And take another cup of tea to bed. And now I've been having a cup in the morning instead of coffee. This is my new favorite cup, found at the thrift shop.

I love the old fashioned design. It has a little bit of leaf scroll on the outer edge of the handle as well. I was completely certain that I had a matching bowl here at home, another thrift find. But I've dug and dug through my mix matched china pieces and can't find it. Maybe I just thought I had one? Maybe I had one but someone broke it and got rid of the evidence without telling me?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Espresso Depresso

Our espresso machine died tonight. It was just the black cherry atop a rainy, gloomy day full of small annoyances. Pouring rain. Dogs who didn't want to get their feet wet. Almonds knocked over all over the floor. Teenager temper tantrum. VCR not set (because of a circuit break black out last night) so I found out at the last minute and too late that I couldn't record something I wanted to watch later. Annoying cats. And did I mention the nonstop rain?

Not that it was all bad. I got a bag of paperwork and miscellaneous sorted and mostly tossed. Had a nice dinner with a friend. Managed to get my walk in despite the weather. Yes, I walked in the rain - in my long red raincoat with a big red umbrella (that William later broke being all huffy and trying to shove it through the door frame without being careful).

But most of the annoying stuff happened towards the end of the day and just started piling one on top of the other until I decided it would all be better when I finally ended the day with my new nightly treat. A cappuccino. Only the machine broke.

We've had the machine long enough that I can't remember when we got it, how long we've had it, or even who gave it to us. Although I'm pretty sure it was a gift from my mom and stepdad. And we used it a lot over the years. Sometimes Hubby used it daily for long stretches, other times we used it on occasion. I can't say we didn't get our money's worth out of it. Or rather, my parent's money's worth out of it.

A spring broke on the cap. It's an old enough model that it's not worth trying to find a replacement. So. I guess we research a new machine. I don't want to go back to getting my espresso based coffees at Starbucks. At $3-4 a pop, at even one cup each per week for Hubby and me, we could buy ourselves at least a mid-priced decent quality machine and still save money by the end of a year. We've fallen into the habit of making it every night. I don't want to give up my one new and allowable dietary treat!

Any suggestions?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Eat to Live or Live to Eat?

I've been gone awhile here, sorry 'bout that. It's a combination of busyness, server connection problems, and busyness.

I got a phone call last week from my health care provider (she's actually a midwife, but I thought mentioning that might confuse people and give the impression that somehow I was still planning babies, which I certainly am NOT) who I went to a while back for my first ever annual check up. Yes, I was being good. Thought it was about time. I expected to be rewarded for my responsible act by being patted on the head and told how healthy I am.


Instead she told me my cholesterol and triglyceride levels were TOO HIGH.

And then she started spouting off all sorts of numbers that meant absolutely nothing to me. And told me to march myself down to her office and sign up for medicine to treat it.

A lot of things went through my head, very quickly, and very surrealistically, including an image of me in ten years or so with one of those little pill boxes to help me with all my various and sundry medications. I SWORE I would never be one of those persons who requires a little pill box to help themselves keep track of the umpteen zillion pills they are prescribed to with the whole Better Living Through Chemistry banner flapping heartily over their head. AHHHHH! (with apologies here to those who need to take many little pills for their real and truly serious health issues. I totally understand how fortunate we are to live in a time when we have this option and I have convinced many a friend to take advantage of modern medicine when it's the last or best route)

And I was pissed. Because I have several family members who have mildly high levels of the same who eat like three year olds left to make their own choices and when they clean up their diet for a wee bit they are fine. And here I am, eating healthier than 90% of Americans, and I get to deal with this!? I feel completely betrayed.

So we discussed and argued back and forth, me and my midwife, and she agreed to give me six weeks to move those numbers enough to convince her I should continue au naturale.

I spent several days Googling my eyeballs off trying to learn this new language. It's very confusing. I've ignored it around me always, because I knew I was eating right. All this talk of carbs and sugars, cholesterol and grams. My head feels like exploding. Or sleeping. It's overwhelming. I'm starting to get the information to settle out into some general categories and I've also calmed down a bit. But not too much. It seems like there are three categories I can work on - diet, exercise, and weight.

Although my diet has always been good (in fact I can't use most of the dietary suggestions for lowering your cholesterol to actually lower my cholesterol because I'm already eating that way), I do cheat a lot because I've always assumed I could. Because of the aforementioned great eating habits. I already eat fish, use olive oil instead of butter, buy whole grains, eat fruits and vegetables, rarely eat eggs or meat, chose salad over french fries, etc.

Weight is another one where I've always been in good or at least better shape than most people of my age group, so I didn't worry about it too much. I don't diet. Have never dieted. I don't even own a scale. I know that I could lose some weight and I had already planned to do so, slowly and over a long stretch of time, simply for vanity purposes, and because in the last few years I've noticed even small ups and downs seem to affect my energy levels and feeling of health. So even though I don't have to lose a lot, maybe I'm one of those people who have a sensitively tuned hormonal system? I do know that the amount of weight that BMI list tells me to lose is an insane amount. If I lost as much as it told me to lose, I'd probably end up in the hospital. It's always been that way, even when I was a teenager wearing my skinny jeans and looking hot and comely. Those weight height lists would tell me I needed to lose ten to twenty pounds more. Uhm, no. I think the joke about being "big boned" really is true for me. Either that or I'm partially made out of rock.

Exercise. Ahhhh, now here's the rub. I used to be a very active person. And I still am, when I'm up and about and away from my house. On vacation I can hike, climb, or walk the rest of my family under my feet. I outlast all of them shopping or working. William is obviously stronger and gets there FASTER, but I have stamina. But that's only when I'm out and about. With no wild bunch of kids to corral each day, my daily at-home habits and activities have all become extremely sedentary. Like, for example, me sitting here (reclining actually, with laptop perched on my legs) typing away at the keyboard blogging. Or reading. Or sewing. Or watching television. Or sitting with tea over a table with friends. Even the type of travel we do these days requires mostly sitting in cars or planes or at people's homes or restaurants. Activity level may be the key here. Good thing I'd already decided I needed to fix my lifestyle in this way. I'd started walking about a month ago and felt a huge increase in my energy levels. Of course it bums me out that this didn't show up in the test results, but maybe it hasn't been for long enough or often enough.

I figure I can do anything for six weeks, so I have sworn to clean up my lifestyle to a shiny level of perfection for that long and see what happens.

So, more walking. Check. I enjoy it. Although it would be a lot easier if we weren't being pummeled by snow, ice, wind, rain, slush, and more snow. Gardening. As soon as the weather allows. I used to love to garden. I gardened every day. I don't even know why I stopped, except that I think I got tired of dealing with conflicts in travel and the small space I have to work in and the short, short, short growing season. Also, more general up and moving activities in my house. Which means less time on the computer. I'm trying to figure out how to spend fewer hours on the computer and still keep up with everything I want to do and everyone I want to visit online. I suspect the answer is, I can't. Sigh.

Lose weight - again - I can do anything for six weeks, right? Count those calories. I found a great website to help me do that - go here. Then click on Daily Plate.

Diet - the good thing here is I used to be an extreme health food nut in my twenties. Over the years kids, circumstances, spouses, my own drift towards moderation, has changed that. But I know how to do it and I even miss eating like that to a large degree. I've been pleasantly surprised by how much more I'm tasting the food I'm eating now that I'm not adding a teaspoon of sugar or a shake of salt. The difficult part isn't eating healthy, that's mostly pleasant, the difficult part is still being somewhat confused over what I'm supposed to be eating and what I'm supposed to be avoiding for the purpose of stomping on those lab results. Which is a different thing than just being good or bad nutritionally.

Although it's not like I'm a saint. I did dream last night that I was back in Sonoma eating an entire length of sourdough. White sourdough. The best sourdough in the world is in Sonoma. And I was eating it. It was toasted to perfection. And filled with melted butter. I dreamed I ate the entire thing. And it was delicious.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

OWOH: And the winner is.....

Apparently I asked the supercomputer of Deep Thought because the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything - INCLUDING THE WINNER OF MY ONE WORLD ONE HEART GIVEAWAY - is...

....42 !

(and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you haven't read enough Douglas Adams - tsk tsk.)

For all you nongeeky readers out there, that means the winner is Valerie2350.

Congratulations Valerie!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love Will Prevail

This video so moved me that I wanted to do what I can to share it with others.

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

Go to the Courage Campaign website to sign the letter that will be presented to the California State Supreme Court. The deadline for signing it is Valentine's Day. I found it hard to get onto the website, hopefully that's a sign of the many people lined up trying to be heard.

One World One Heart Reminder

Today is the last day to leave comments (not on today's post, but on this previous post) to be counted in my One World One Heart drawing for this lovely lady -

If you want a chance to win, please post by 11:59 PM tonight. I'll draw a name and post the winner on Thursday, February 12.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

B Words

I did a post about C words on Laume's Studio yesterday. Today seems to be about B words.

I've been busy and working on stuff and all but what I've really really really wanted to do for the last month is just live inside my -

B::SLC The neon letter o k001 s25

I'm having so much fun with this site!

I feel very spongelike. Wanting to soak it all in, three or four books at a time.

Another B word -

B R28 R31 Wood Type R letter R R38

because it's cold outside! And inside. Because we're trying to use our heater less. Last month's bill was more than we expected. I thought this storm had passed us by already with just a little bit of flakes and sprinkles. But today it started coming down and blowing around.

So another B word is Blizzard. Which is probably too long to put across in photo letters.

More B words - Bumps and Bruises. My ankle is STILL sore. I twisted it two months ago. I've been able to walk on it and all but lately it's been bothering me. In the last few days I've also got a bump on my hip I don't recall where or when I got it. My left wrist hurts - again - why? And last but not least, my right shoulder.

Okay, that's all I got. My brain (Brain - B word!) is bored (Bored - B word!) with trying to think of more B words. It wants bed (B!), blankets (B!), tea (not B!), chocolate (in my nightstand!), and my book (Bestest B!)


Saturday, February 07, 2009

Spaghetti Feed

Speaking of the spaghetti feed, which I was, a couple of posts ago, I forgot I took some photos.

Here's one of my extra kids - William's best friend James - dishing up the main dish.

Here's William passing out some purple topped cupcakes. Looks like Hubby managed to find room for one.

What's On the Menu?

I complained that my family is wont to wander into the kitchen, open the refrigerator or pantry door, stare glaze-eyed at the bounty of food inside either, and decry "There's nothing to eat in this house!"

Well, here's the embarrassing rest of the story. I, on a regular basis, do the same thing. Or something near enough to be a close cousin. I'll stand there and think "it's too much work to figure out what to make".

So I scheduled an archeological dig around the kitchen this afternoon while my brain was still moderately alert and made a list of things I can make right this minute, without having to go the store for any of the ingredients and without having to spend more than 20-40 minutes in the kitchen preparing it. All these meals can be made without a serious dent in either my time or pocket book. (and since hubby's pay cut goes into affect today, and in a more serious way than we had first thought, that's an important issue!)

I hope they inspire you to see what healthy, inexpensive meals you have lurking in cabinets and freezers right now, in your very own home.

A List of Homemade Deliciousness

Falafel on Pita with yogurt, shredded lettuce, olives, and peppers
Whole grain pancakes with blueberries (fresh frozen)
Grilled cheese or tuna sandwiches with soup (canned)
Turkey or Boca burgers on whole grain buns with oven fries
Minestrone soup made with whatever is in the vegetable bins
Pumpkin curry
Spaghetti with marinara and turkey meatballs (frozen)
Rice pilaf with fennel salad
Chili with homemade cornbread
Cold pasta salad with shrimp
Hummus with tortillas, crackers, and crudites
Cream of broccoli soup (made with soy milk)
French Onion Soup with bread
Stuffed Acorn Squash
Chef Salad
Quiche and green salad
Lentil soup
Sloppy Joes made with seitan on hamburger buns (frozen)
Split pea soup
Red beans and rice
Chicken Posole
Quesadilla, black beans, and Spanish rice
Eggplant casserole
Gypsy soup (from the Moosewood cookbook - yum!)
Polenta with sauteed mushrooms and greens (I'd have to go find the greens in my backyard)
Tilapia (frozen) with garlic mashed potatoes and vegetables
Ravioli (frozen) with salad and bread
Vegetarian sausages with (canned) baked beans
Potato pancakes with applesauce and yogurt (we use yogurt instead of sour cream)
Turkey!! (I keep forgetting I've got a full sized turkey in the extra freezer!) with all the fixings - stuffing, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, cranberry sauce
Salmon patties, cole slaw, boiled potatoes

Additional snacks or desserts

Rice pudding
Pumpkin bread
Apple Crumble
Peach Pie
Assorted cookies
Gingerbread with applesauce
Fruit and yogurt smoothies

I'm sure there are lots of other menus hiding in my kitchen but I think that's a long enough list for now. Even more amazing, most of these meals can all be made without duplicating most of the ingredients. Sure, I'd have to replace some basics like potatoes and lettuce if I tried to make it all day after day without replenishing. But with a little forethought, I could go a long while without overlapping the need for the same foods. If this was a different time of year, or even just a few weeks difference with a different market trip just behind me, I'd have different foods available to work with and a radically different menu list.

And now I'm off to make dinner. Tonight I'm going with the Cream of Broccoli soup as I noticed the broccoli is at that now or never point.

What's your list right now?