One World One Heart 2011
I've been so busy lately, I almost missed this year's blogging community gathering, One World One Heart. As this is the last year the coordinator plans on hostessing this lovely gathering, I'm so glad that I managed to get a post in at the last minute.

Think of it as a global "open house". We fly from blog to blog around the globe catching up with old blogging friends and meeting new ones. As I've been on a somewhat unplanned blogging hiatus for a large portion of last year, I'm looking forward to getting back into the groove of things in 2011.
If you haven't visited before, a little bit about me? (And if you have been here before - Hi! Long time no see!!!! HUG) Well, as you will see by the time you get to the end of this post, I'm rather good at being silly. This is my general blog and it's mostly full of fun and laughter, travel, good food, some of the cutest grandchildren and pets you'll ever meet, my garden, odd scenes or nature that catches my eye on my many walkabouts, my favorite books, and regular cups of tea. Sometimes I even take a break to be philosophical or wise. (But don't worry, it's not often.) I also have a studio blog where I talk about art and creativity and sometimes even have my own creations to post about.
Each participant offers a giveaway. This year I'm offering a choice of gifts. The winner of my giveaway can choose between:
a) A 5" X 7" print of any photograph from my blog that is a) my photograph and b) does not include an identifiable person. You're free to wander my blog and find one that speaks to you but to give you an example, you might choose this one:

Or perhaps this one:

Or how about this one?:

It doesn't have to be one of these samples of course. There are many photos to choose from over the years.
If you don't have any more space in your home for an art print, you might instead choose a pair of faerytails. What are faerytails you ask? Well, they're like pigtails, only a lot more colorful and at least twice as fun.
Here's a photo of my daughter-in-law wearing a pair of long black and white faerytails I made for her.

Or another example, here are Lisa and Joli wearing some green leafy faerytales.

I can make them in a color (or color combination, including rainbow!) and length of your choosing. (I might not have a lot of all colors - I don't have many purple supplies, for example) I can make them for either an adult or a child. They will come as a pair but can be combined to make one large single faerytail as well. They are tied into the hair with an elastic band, easily taken on and off, and can be worn over and over again.
If you'd like an opportunity to win my giveaway, please leave your name with a link to your blog or email address in the comments to this post. Deadline to enter the giveaway is midnight PST on February 17.
When you're done visiting here, here's a link to bring you back to the One World One Heart participant list. I hope to find time to come and visit many participant's blogs over the coming week but, as I also plan on doing some major house painting this week, well..... we'll see. It might depend on how much caffeine I can ingest and how little sleep I can function on.
And after your travels around the cyberglobe have ended, please come visit again!
I love your photographs - especially the drop of water on the twig. And that acorn cap on the baby is great! I never thought of using both my blogs - I only have a give away on one (OWOH #594) but please feel free to visit the other!
And a pleasure meeting you!!
Helen Fern
Hello, It's nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. You have some amazing photographs. I too loved the baby acorn hat. You have a magical blog. Have a wonderful time with the OWOH event.
Laume, I wish I'd seen that you had a blog earlier! I always enjoy your posts on QC and facebook, you crack me up, send me green with envy or make me think, sometimes all three at the same time LOL!!
I'll be putting you on my google reader now!
Your photos are beautiful and your fairetales are so much fun! It'd be hard to choose which to pick. It was nice to explore your blog. Thanks, Brandy
Those are very neat! Count me in :)
Oh love your photos! But I thinkI'd have a hard time choosing between the photo or the Fairetails. They'd look great with my RenFest outfit!!
Thanks for the chance at your doorprize!
Stop by my giveaway as well.
Hi Laume, I would love to win one of your prints or photos. How beautiful! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
Greetings from Louisville, KY - USA
Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
Winning your give away would be awesome!
Thanks for including me in your drawing..Come visit me, I am playing too.
Howdy from Idaho! Thank you for being apart of OWOH journey across the world!
Hello! I'm so glad I found One World One Heart and was able to visit your blog! I'm pretty new to the blogging world and I love seeing the different ways of blogging. I hope you will check out my blog and maybe find something useful there. I'd love to be entered for your door prize, thanks for adding my name to the list!
Your photos are lovely, but I do covet those fairy tails! Please toss my name in the hat and enjoy your trip on the OWOH Grand Tour!
So happy to meet you! Love the fairy tales, could be life changing! I hope you will visit my blog, too.
Gorgeous photos!! I LOVE that baby hat too!! Welcome to the fun!
I'm #655 on the tour!
Beautiful! I love photography. ~Cassie angelandspot{at}yahoo{dot}com
I enjoyed your photos.
Hoopie OWOH 2011
You are one great photographer and have a very warm and inviting blog. I really enjoyed my quick look around. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.
I love the fairetales and I know that my grandaughter would love the as well.
Please swing by my blog and enter my giveaway.
Regards Doreen in Canberra Australia.
Laume, it's great to meet you! Happy OWOH. Your photography is just amazing! And your faerytales? I ADORE them!!! I am a big faerie fan, as well. Hope you'll stop by and visit with me:
Take care, Theresa
Beautiful photos! If I won I would have to have the FairyTales. (although I'm sure my daughter would steal them from me!)
Please stop by and visit me as well!
oooh! faerytails. what fun! i would love to have a pair to wear in my classroom. please add my name! olwyn #827
Oh my what a fun giveaway. I love faeries...and winning your faerytails would be just delightful. I'd love a chance to win, please count me in.
Your photos are just so precious.
Stopping by to say hello from Ky! I have visited so many creative blogs through this OWOH journey. I am glad to be participating in this great event. Please count me in for your Faerytails door prize! Thank You Tee
Hi from chilly England. Thank you letting me take a peek into your world. Love your pics, please count me in and if you get a chance pop by my blog #404 a warm welcome awaits!
Hallo , nice to meet you.
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
This is beautiful.
This photos and fairytales are delightful.
Please count me in.
Please come visit me on my blog aswell, I join the OWOH- event too.
Regards from Germany and happy OWOH
Hello Laume!
Glad to have found your blog via OWOH!
Your photography is awesome!!!
Please enter me in your give away :O)
Also, please do drop by my blog when
you get a chance!
Mary #787
Wow Laume, those faerytales are fabulous! I *love* them!!! Maybe they'd even convince my daughter to get the hair out of her eyes. That is, if I share them! ;) And your nature photographs are lovely as well. I love dew drops on spider webs with the whole world reflected in miniature.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
~Nikki (#783)
PS - Please stop by my blog if you get a chance...a whole new (wee) world awaits you!
Yeah for faerytails!!! I just love them, Laume, and I would definitely choose green ones. I have green eyes, you see, so that would be just perfect! :) Thanks for the chance.
Another big hug,
How very interesting you and your blog sound...I'd love to learn more...therefore I have become a follower.
please enter me in your draw, and come visit me #209.
thanks, Susan
(Pieces of Fate)
Oh I love the Guardian watching over the city! I had fun getting lost in the redwoods with you, I grew up around them and do miss those gentle giants :) Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)
What a terrific post with so many wonderful photos. (Each person pictured looks great with their hair fixed the way it is, and the acorn? hat is cute cute cute). Love your talent and creativity. Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years seeing all of the wonderful blogs and meeting everyone. Thanks for your participation in the event.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
Beautiful photo's and gorgeous grandchildren. They really look so angelic.
Hugs from Sonja (#785)
I enjoyed meeting you today, love the photos and fairy tales both, my grandkids would love the fairytales
please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway
Hi Laume, Your photos are great and the captions- funny. I'm 846 on the OWOH list, please stop by if you have a moment.
The fairytails are great, but the photo choices are amazing. Thanks for a chance in your giveaway.
A lady of many talents you are!!! Just popped over from your studio blog....loved it, I must say!
Please sign me up for this one, too :)
Cameron #83
Beautiful blog! The faery tails are cute, but your photos really take the cake. It would be really hard to choose!
I would LOVE LOVE the faerytails! They are wonderful! And you sure have a beautiful family! Looks like you all know how to have fun and enjoy yourselves! Your daughter in law is very photogenic! Thanks! I'm #389! ♥
Hi Laume,
It's very nice to meet you. I love the photo of the gargoyle and I also would LOVE some orange and black fairytails!!! I know it sounds strange but if you visit my blog you may understand.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us!
Sylvia : )
Hello from Cody, Wyoming, USA. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know a bit about you. Your photos are beautiful and the fairy tails are so cool!
Thanks for participating in OWOH. Please enter me in the drawing for your awesome gifts.
If you haven't done so yet, please stop by and enter these giveaways too.
# 385
# 132
Yea! So glad to be here. You have an awesome blog! Come check mine out sometime. Thanks for entering me!
Those fairy tails are so unique..I had not seen them before ..but then again I don't get out much! lol
Hello from Iowa, it's so nice to meet you. I enjoyed stopping by your blog and would love to be entered in your giveaway. I also love the little acorn cap, your photos are beautiful.
~Donna (#792)
Oh, what gorgeous photographs! I love that gargoyle one - he's so imposing! Those fairytales are such a cute idea too - they look great on your daughter and the little one. Thanks for visiting my blog during OWOH
Photos are my choice!! Great giveway~ I just emailed my entry so check out my blog!
What awesome photos. I've sure enjoyed looking around. Please stop in by my giveaway as well. OWOH 760.
Love your photos.I am so excited to participate in my first OWOH blog tour . Your creativity is lovely. I hope I am lucky enough to win.
please check out my blog
Greetings from Ipswich, MA
I'm glad to meet you. Your photos are amazing they aren't just pictures they have a deeper quality. Please enter me into the OWOH give away.
Also, I hope you can visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come any time to chat.
Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L
I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing. If you get a chance to stop by I am blog #809
i hope i will be a winner. though i´m not sure i can decide what to like better, the print or the fairytails! great giveaways!
Wow! Just browsing your blog I would find it so hard to choose a photo! You are so talented! There is some amazing artwork here!
I'm participating in OWOH for the first time...I'm loving visiting other people's blogs and discovering what a talented bunch of people we are! Thanks for sharing your blog.
I hope you'll come and visit me at I'm N° 688 on the list.
Hi Laume :)
I adore your photos!Amazing!
Lovely giveaway! Pls count me in and if you want, pls take a moment to visit my #58 on Magic Carpet :)
Thank you for the chance to win!
Hugs from Tuscany, Italy
Mila :)
#58 on Magic Carpet
Wow! Fantastic photos!!
And your door prize is wonderful!
I’d love to be a lucky winner!
Oxana from Moldova
fancyscrap at
What great give-aways! I love seeing other people's photography! Would love to win a print. I"ve been hopping around the world, and you're my "neighbor" - I'm also in NOrthern California, and you're the first person I've seen with the same blog template. Stop by if you haven't already,
Greetings from Scotland! Thanks for visitng my Blog (Adorn #798)
Great photographs, cute baby :)
Please count me in.
Warm Wishes. Lynne
I love fairy tales and thanks for a chance to win your wonderful prize.
Please visit me at Irish Muses #678.
Hi Laume! Ilove your blog and that you take the time to Laugh!
Please enter me into you beautiful giveaways!
I will for sure follow and return!
The beach is my favorite place I have found a treasure in your blog!
Smiles and happy days!
How sweet! I love everything faeries and enchanted things. Love the photographs, So cute! The sweetest little acorn I ever did see and love those hair pieces! Mostly I just wish I had more hair. lol Hope you will join my blog too in entering my give away. Wanda in Ohio #220
Beautiful photography!! Thanks for sharing.
Glad I found you! Please include me in your giveaway.
Come visit me at
Thanks Teri
I've enjoyed visiting your wonderful blog and would love to enter your giveaway!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
OH MY I've always wanted one of these to wear in my hair!!!!
Lovely blog with beautiful photos!!!
Thanks for a chance to enter your wonderful giveaway!
: ) Pattee
Hi there, love your photography. Hope you are enjoying the ride. Please call on me at #100 if you have the chance.
Your photographs are gorgeous, when I've posted this comment I will be off to your other blog to look further.
If you'd like to drop in on me you can find me at:
oooooh! lucky me (!) we get TWO chances to win a little piece of your wonderful world!!
please add me to this drawing, too! your photography is amazing! a talent i somehow missed knowing about all those years ago!
Your pictures are beautiful...and the faireytales are fabulous! And your models are so fitting for them, just beautiful (and how fun!)
I hope you will visit me #259.
Your photo's are beautiful, and those faerytails are sure something special. I think if my name was drawn *crosses fingers* I'd pick the faerytales.
Ducky Doo
(just replace AT with @ and DOT with . I do this to dodge email grabbing internet bots)
Hi Laume! What gorgeous photographs you take - simply amazing. Your faerie tails - very clever, very fun! You're so creative :)
Sandi #559
oh, loved your fairy tales. I would love it in pink or red!!! happy owoh!
i guess i'll wait to see if i win to make the hard decision between the fairetails & the photos! all awesome!
please stop by my blog #30 on the list
warm hugs & blessings from Montana!
greetings from Canada.
Nice giveaway!
Visit me at #336 -Shimmer and Tulle
Love your photographs!!!! It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819
Love your photographs!!!! It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819
I just love those Faerytails! I would love some in the greens like shown so I can frolic in the garden!
Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!
OH MY! You have so many lovely photographs . . . it would be hard to choose one. I have to admit, I adore your faery tales and would choose them in the event I should be lucky enough to win. Thank you for the chance to win!
So happy to have met you! Big Hugs sent your way too!
oHellp from Canada's west coast. These are absolutely lovely!! So nice to meet you here on OWOH.
PS...If you haven't already, please pop by and visit me at:
your photographs are beautiful, but -oh my - if o am the winner i want a set of those faerie tale thingies - sooo cool! please enter me in your fab giveaway and come enter mine!
Wow, a hard choice... a beautiful photo or those cool fairytales! I love em... come seee my falling ladies...
Love your woodland pics! So many great photos to choose from, oh my! Please visit #875
Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy
Lovely work and love this event! I don't know who gets more excited the winners or the doers!Thanks for the chance to win!
Your gargoyle print is amazing! Your faerytales are so fun too!
OWOH #488
What gorgeous images - and what a decision I'd have to choose just one if I were lucky enought to win!
Lovely to meet you and admire you work. If you get chance hope you'll pop over and enter my draw too - #837
They are all so pretty, hard to choose! What lovely work! I am thrilled to enter.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH giveaway
Lovely photographs and I love your faerytails! So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)
I love your faerytails -- and your photographs are beautiful too! Please enter my name into your draw -- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)
(from Toronto :)
Beautiful photography (& nature study LOL) I'm pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle from Sunshine Coast Australia) If you have time (I don't think I've seen you visit, but could be just dazed from dancing around the world LOL) I'd love you to come on over check out my giveaways & comment at my OWOH post too :) oh & please feel free to drop in now and then after OWOH if you're in the bloggersphere :) that'd be cool! Now let's enjoy this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :) There's lot's more blogs, I feel like I'm in a marathon LOL!! Up, UP & AWAAAAAAY!!
Your photographs and hat are lovely and so are your fairitales. Both colour combo's looked amazing.
Thank you for the chance to win :)
What a great blog and giveaway! Both the photos and the fairytails are amazing! Please enter my name in the hat.
I hope you are enjoying the OWOH. I know I am. You've got a great blog and such a wonderful prize. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
This is has been the best time! thank you for inviting me to your blog. If you have time please wander over to my blog. I'm number 476 in the list.
OOH please sign me up!! Your photography and Fairytails are beautiful!!
Please check out my blog too for my OWOH giveaway!
Seattle WA
Hello, from Las Vegas, NV. It was so nice meeting you. Photography is a passion of mine and I'd love to win one of your prints. I also love the faerytails too :D What a wonderful offering.
Bright blessings,
Hello again Laume, I was just at your other blog:-) Please add my name to this giveaway as well, I would so love to win a pair of those faerytails, they're so delightful!!
Hugs, PEA from Canada xox
I hope you are enjoying the OWOH giveaway! I have met remarkable blogs there fore remarkable creators. Enjoy!
I would be so pleased if my name is drawn to win your giveaway. Your photographs are wonderful! The faerytails are adorable, (and so is that acorn cap-btw).
You have here a very nice Blog. And your Giveawy is great. Please, writes me on your list.
Visits me, nevertheless, also OWOH #646
Greetings from Germany,
Hi Laume, greetings from Australia. Great to meet you and visit your lovely blog. Your photos are beautiful, as are the Faerytails, I hope that I get the chance to choose one of your lovely prizes. Please come by #9 and visit.
Hello Laume... love your giveaways... your photos are just beautiful and your blog is lovely...
please count me in....
Hugs from Australia…
Jenny x
Fantastic photos, i just adore the acorn hat on the wee baby, so adorable, I would absolutely love a chance to win a set of your gorgeous fairytails
Happy OWOH from the UK
Hugs Minxy #32
My e'mail is on my blog should i be a lucky one
Hi, you all are such a fairies!Wow beautiful creations and pictures,
thanks for this chance to win.
*451*OWOH Mervi
leikkaan @
Nice to meet you,
greetings from Finland
Your faerytails are so beautiful! They are the neatest things I have seen. My daughter is very much a girly girl and loves hair accessories. I love helping her with her hair and finding cute things to adorn her head with. :)
snowpumpkin at gmail dot com
Hello from Thailand! Your photographs are amazing ..and your faerytails are very unique too.. I think I will have a difficult time choosing if I were to win your giveaway..:) Thanks for such great offer.. and please count me in!
Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)
laetriciajaniel (@) gmail (dot) com
.. i hope you realized that you amazed us with your photo's simply magical.. great give-a-way.. thanks for the opportunity mitz_zee@yahoodotcom
Hi again Laume
I truly love your photographs, particularly the one of the drop of water hanging so tremulously from the twig - gorgeous.
Hugs Jo #263
Hello! So nice to meet you!
I have to ask, where on earth did you find that adorable acorn cap your little one is wearing? So precious!
ecarian at yahoo dot com
Faerytails, huh? How do you come up with these things?? LMAO Seriously I cannot imagine wearing those anywhere but they are very pretty. I think I's prefer some of your beautiful photos this time.
Hi again! I tried to enter your butt roses but it is getting bounced saying your account is over quota what ever that means (i got an email)Anyway, glad I found you here too!
cathyguitarteacher-77 at
Greetings from Kansas, I really enjoyed visiting your blog. The fairytales are so cute and your photography is awesome. Count me in please.
Your photography is amazing! You can really rock a macro!
I must admit that I am seriously drawn to those beautiful fairyfalls.
Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
hugs from ON, Canada
Laume, it's so nice to meet you and see your beautiful photography. Those Fairytailes!! Too cute and I think if I get to be a lucky winner I'd have to pick those. What a hoot!
Won't you please come and sign up for my give away, too? I also will be having another giveaway on my blog after the OWOH that you might be interested in... tune in :)
Happy Creating!
Jaime #29
Indiana, USA
I love your photographs and fairetails! You are very talented indeed!
Hope you're having a fantastic week!
Joan :)
Love to have you visit my blog at:
What fun! Your photos are so stunning, it will be hard to choose, but if I'm lucky enough I'll be happy to! ;) And the Fairy tales are a great idea! (I happen to have a godchild who would wear them well!...that is if she agreed to share them with me!) Count me in for your give-a-way, and I hope you can swing by and visit me as well.
(#535 OWOH)
so so fun! I would love the fairetails! lovely blog!
How lovely! The photos and the children are so special! What a most magical vibe I get from your blog!
I would love to win anything from you!
Please come to my Blog to win a real crystal ball!
Be well & wish well,
Your children and fairyness is awesome! I adore your photos!
Your blog is beautiful!
I am # 267 on OWOH and I would love to win!
Smiles, Cyndi
Greetings...I can tell you are a kindred happy OWOH let me find you. I adore your world and will be back to visit and often.
Hummmm....such awesome gifts. I LOVE the dragon/gargoyle but then my gypsy,faery,mermaid soul loves your unique.
Hope you will come to visit with me sometimes. #104 Southern ooaks
Oooo, those green leafy faerytales are beautiful!!! As are your photos. Am now a follower of your blog :)
Hello Laume! Good to see you here at OWOH again. Greetings from southern California. Love your giveaway. Please add me to your hat. I'm flying in during the final hours of OWOH. Thank you and cheers!
Oh my, your photos are just beautiful. I love the one with the drop of water about to fall from a twig! Thanks for the chance to win. Oh and your fairietales and that little acorn cap are precious!!
Oh what beautiful creations and photographs. And your daughter-in-law's eyes are beautiful too! Elena of MyQuest
Oh my goodness, my daughter would positively swoon at those fairy tales. She is a hair addict, can't pass a shiny surface without swishing. Thank you for the chance to win such an unusual and fabulous prize - Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post too :)
OWOH #365
Trying to get caught up on visiting. I love your blog please enter me in your gift giveaway.
darlene armstrong
beautiful prints! Please enter me in your OWOH Giveaway! If I am the winner, you can contact me at Take a moment to visit my blog and enter my OWOH Giveaway at
Hello from New York! Your give aways are very beautiful. I'd love the fairytales for a special grand niece. It's nice to find your lovely blog. Your children are beautiful!
My OWOH give away:
Girl.. you stole my gypsea mermaid heart!
And Cat's tattered rebeled one.. You so so ROCK!
Count us in!
Cricket #2
Cat #460
Your photography is beautiful and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your faerytails!!!! How fabulous! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357
Greetings from NY. Lovely photography and creations! Please count me in and enjoy your flight. Patricia OWOH #498
Hey Laume, It's so delightful to meet you via OWOH. What a lovely choice... a print of faerytail! Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH #598
What a lovely giveaway. My granddaughter would love these! I hope you visit my blog, too (#470).
Hey there, nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog.
I would love a chance at winning some faerie tails.
xoxo Kim
numinositybeads(at) gmail (dot) com
How magical is that, nice to meet you!
Hope you can join in my goodie giveaways as well! :)
calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com
calej d'art
Hello and it is wonderful to meet you. I loved taking a little visit through your blog and hope to come back for more. I would love to be part of your OWOH giveaway. So exciting. Please do drop in for a visit with me during your journey.
Laume... You are absolutely enchanting and I will definitely be back to visit with you and tour your blog more. See you soon.
wishes and whimsy
Wendy from Wonderland
What an adorable photo's!!
Greetings!!! Nice to meet you! What a way meeting people from the world!! Fantastic!
Great inspiring creations here!
Love from Zutphen, the Netherlands.
Hi! I would love to have a chance to win one of your photos! Please enter me in your drawing...and nice to meet you!
Your imagination is GREAT. I can tell you looked at my blog with a good eye. Thank you. I'll enter your name in the OWOH giveway and please enter me in yours. Marrianna Email: Blog:
Such lovely photos, but what really sticks out are those fairy tales. Such a lovely and unique idea! I think I would love a pair! I would love to be a part of you drawing if it isn't too late:-)
I've been growing my hair so that I can donate it...your fairy tails are wonderful! Your creativity is fabulous! :)
What a fun blog to browse! Your work is just beautiful. the fairy tails are too cool. There’s still time to visit me at #769. Cheers!
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