Sunday, July 02, 2006

Blog Pause

Just when you were all getting used to hearing from me again, I'll be computerless again for a few days.

I'm leaving San Diego and on my final leg of this trip. On my way home. To my own HOME. To my own TOWN. To my own BED. Ahhhhhh. It sounds wonderful.

I was gonna stop and see my darling grandsons and darling two month old, haven't-seen-her-since-birth granddaughter, but I very graciously and martyr mom-like told Noel it was fine if they went off camping for the 4th instead of waiting for me to sail through hot and exhausted on the way home. BUT, she promised to come visit on the upcoming weekend. I figure it's pretty much a win/win situation. Even though I have to wait a few more days to see everyone, once I do, I'll get a longer visit with them. And they get to go camping. I can't make the grandkids miss the opportunity to get all dirty and smoky and eat bugs and hotdogs and sleep on the ground. It's a family tradition.

So, anyhoo, I'm off here, in an hour or so. Later then I'd planned, but that's a family tradition as well. And I'm so conflicted. On one hand there's all that "my own home/bed/stuff" bit. On the other, I'm leaving and I won't be back to see them until December. Okay, I'm milking the whole sympathy thing - they're coming up in September for a wedding in Redding and will stay with us for a few of days then. At least Lisa will, I'm not sure about Joe's time off. By then Lisa's little grandbaby bump will have grown from Beanie Baby size to teddy bear size. Yippee!

I'm thinking of driving up the coast home. It's either two days of driving up the relatively cool coast, or a day and a half of driving up the sweltering, if faster, valley. I think I'm really done with sweltering for the year, thank you very much. But, we'll see. I'll let you know which way I went when I get back HOME.

Now I'm off to zip my suitcase, pack a few packages, flea bath the Rosiebean, and hook up the trailer. See you in a few days! From my very own computer!


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