Monday, July 03, 2006

Fifteen Hours

It was a long day. Left San Diego at 10:30 am and got in at 1:30 am this morning. Didn't go to sleep though until almost 5 am. Fifteen hours on the road, probably twelve of them behind the wheel, the other three a hodge podge of gas stations, rest stops, and fast food. I've only done the drive in one long swoop like that once or twice before in the dozens of times I've made it. I guess I was that ready to be home.

Now that I am home -

It's still somewhat smoky from a fire just down the crest from us. I went over to view the more immediate fire damage - yep - it burned right down to the back fields of the junior high across the street from us and took a few fences out in the subdivision next door to it.

It's very hot.

My house is full of dust balls and flying cat fur.

There were no sheets on the bed. Or rather, there were sheets in the near vicinity of part of the bottom of the bed. Apparently that was good enough for hubby, to know they were close by. I had to put on new sheets before I could go to sleep.

Two of my shoes are missing. Not the SAME two shoes. No. One of my pirate tennis shoes and one of my blue tennis shoes. It's driving me insane trying to figure out how two half pair of shoes can just evaporate into thin air. The only logical explanation (and no, my husband's idea that the cats dragged the shoes away is NOT a logical explanation) involves two small grandsons. Which means that looking in all the logical places (which I already did) won't help find them.

William and Rosie are both very happy to be home as well. Rosie is ecstatic to have her kitties and her green grass back. William is wandering about town with his buddies being the quintessential small town teen.

Hubby is very happy to have us all back.

My mail lady is acting strange.

My copy of an online buddy's new novel (Between, Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson) arrived in the mail while I was gone and I can hardly wait to finish up the the book I'm now reading (which is a fun read - Urban Shaman by C.E. Murphy) so I can dive into it!

My lavender bloomed while I was gone and my gardens, although the lushness is truly only overgrown stuff and weeds, are beautiful and fragrant.

The car and trailer are not yet unloaded. Bleh. Maybe tonight when it cools down.

My hubby switched work shifts on me while I'm gone. Which is fine since I had never really figured out his last shift switch anyway.

We took William and his buddy James down to buy the all important stash of fireworks for tomorrow's bright and noisy celebration. William has literally been bugging me through eight states to stop and buy them at the fireworks stands his teen eye has eagle eyed. They have bigass firework stands out in the middle of the desert. Whodathunk. Much to his frustration, I refused to drive around in 100 plus heat with a pile of fireworks in my car. Now that he has them in his possession, he's switched to bugging me to start using them. I'm standing fast on that no as well, give me strength. It's not legal until tomorrow.

Photos are uploaded and I'll try to share them soon. Knock on wood my photo program behaves.


Blogger :-D eirdre said...

Glad you made it home safe after that marathon drive.

Hope that you get back into your regular (for you) swing soon. This being gone for months and years at a time is getting OLD!

Blogger musta ate your pictures. Where are they?

5:10 AM  

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