Things with Wings
Today I went with my daughter-in-law and grandkids to visit one of my favorite places, Summers Past. As we were driving there we were reminiscing about how I practically had to force Lisa to go with me the first time. She thought it would be boring. My son asked her to go because he knew it would make me happy and she begrudgingly but politely agreed to go to make him happy. Of course she loved it as much as I did within minutes of arriving. Six(ish) years later not only does she visit it frequently even when I'm not here for a visit, but she's dragged all her friends, who also love it and who drag their family and friends and..... it makes me smile to think how many people visit because I forced her to go with me all those years ago.
Later, as four year old Joli zigged and zagged around the gardens I also reminisced about how much the gardens had grown since my very first visits and that back then I also was accompanied by a four year old, William, who is now closing in on twenty! Time indeed flies!
And speaking of flying things, today's visit was abuzz with winged creatures - faeries, birds, butterflies, children and a rooster. Okay, the grandkids only had wings on for a short time, but they were still buzzing around. There were also lots of beautiful rooted things as well. How about I just let the photos tell the story for me.

wonderful photos of a magical place
Great pictures!!! I love them all! Where were they taken? Or did I miss that and just stare at the pictures....
So when are you going to add more? It's been a while....
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