Champagne in the Garden

Hi - me, waving! Tonight was an event I look forward to every year, my friend Angie's turn to hostess our local book club group. She always creates an "EXPERIENCE".

Not hard to do when the setting is her beautiful gardens.
Everyone always starts out the evening by taking a stroll around to see what's blooming, what's new, what's still an old favorite little enclave. Come have a look around with me.

I think she has four, maybe five water features. The sound of water flowing, splashing, or tumbling is everywhere.

There are little hideaways and sweeping lawns.

I didn't take photos of all the areas, but as you can see, one could easily spend all day strolling, or lounging in the many little garden seats.

Oh look, here's most of the group coming back from their tour. Angie is front and center in the blue shirt. Thank you again Angie!

Time to enjoy the gorgeous meal she's set out for us. (the playhouse/set in the background are for her lucky grandkids)

While enjoying the beautiful, relaxing view.

Oops, I forgot to take a picture until after I'd already dug into my plate, but you can see why! There's the champagne I mentioned. I had mine half and half with the pink lemonade and everyone thought it was a good idea and followed my example. I'd visited the dentist earlier in the day and wasn't sure if I'd be up for a meal yet but the novocaine (or whatever it is they use these days) had worn off and I was not only ready to eat but had quite the appetite from having not eaten all day. About the only problem I had was I dribbled a bit of my champagne. I blamed the numbing in my lips. Yep. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

As the light began to fade, the light cubes glowed.

Last but not least, there was CHOCOLATE.
And if that wasn't enough, I was gifted with this month's book (which I had borrowed from the library and was thrilled to have a copy of my own and to share) and a tub of fresh raspberries from Angie's garden. Some days are just picture perfect and lovely, lovely, lovely.
Hi Laume-You did a terrific job capturing Angie's amazing gardens. I always look forward to the meeting in her gardens.
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