A Bridal Shower
This weekend was a bridal shower for my daughter-in-law-to-be Ashley. Her mother hosted it, such a lovely spot. The valley heat eventually won out but it held off for most of the morning so we could enjoy the picture perfect setting.

I wish I could have taken one or two of these bunches home with me, alas I knew they'd have been completely wilted in the 100° plus temps in the car before I managed to get them home.

These were yummy, even the ones that took a tumble onto the grass when they were being handed out. Hey, two second rule, right?

This beautiful guest fluttered about the entire time.

Guests arriving, gathering the buffet items from the house.

And a delicious buffet indeed!

Then the gift opening began. Loved the way this was displayed.

My gift, a storage box with journals, sachets, frame and photo albums to store and remember all the wedding memories.

We all got plastic bling rings. If you crossed your leg, you lost yours to someone who caught you. I was more than happy to pass mine on quickly but I was wearing a long skirt and it took a while for someone to notice. This guest won the game.

Just before I snapped this photo there was much jumping and shrieking. A spider was hiding inside this bag.

Bella the cat was fascinated with the gifts.

Oooh la la!

Tears from reading a beautiful handmade scrapbook.

A pink squeaky horn for the best gift of all....

A pink bicycle! (apparently there will eventually be a handlebar basket)

I was tickled at the name of the bike, this is what Ashley and Sam sometimes call Berkley.

Posing with the ribbon bouquet. Ashley wouldn't take off those sunglasses!

Trying to ride in heels and a dress.

Bride to be with all but two of her bridesmaids, showing off some leg.

And their goofy side.

Ashley and moi.

Ashley with her lovely mom and sister.

Four generations: Ashley with her grandmother, mother and aunt, sister and cousin.
It was a lovely day. For any friends or family who would like to see more shower photos, visit my Flickr set.
What a wonderful day! That's terrific!
This cannot have effect in fact, that is what I believe.
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