Christmas Card Lane
We looked up where in San Diego to see Christmas lights and came up with Christmas Card Lane. It was so much fun. Hundreds of homes on half a dozen streets all participated in creating a "holiday card" on their front lawn. Lots of people walking and driving through, holiday music playing as we went along (we chose to walk), folks sitting around fire pits in the driveways. Many people were selling or giving away hot chocolate, hot apple cider, and popcorn. A huge undertaking but, speaking for ourselves, much appreciated!
I took dozens of photos and had to whittle it down to just a few faves to share with you.

It wasn't just strung lights (although there were certainly plenty of those), each home chose a theme. This was the wonderful movie A Christmas Story. See the lamp in the window?

Many people went with a giant spotlighted wooden display painted as a card.

Just a random photo of one of the streets, taken later in the evening after the constant flow of cars had trickled down to this.

Towards the end of the night I was actively searching to find someone who did The Nightmare Before Christmas theme. I ended up finding two families who had chosen the them. Yay! Made my night complete.

Some people took the opportunity to express their spiritual beliefs or remind us that "Jesus is the reason for the season" with creches and angels and so on. I liked this one with the global peace scene.

I love the image of the Virgin de Guadalupe and of course she's very popular in San Diego.

Here's one that offers up best wishes for any and all celebrations!

And a pretty more spiritual one.

But mostly it was fun and silly. A holiday flamingo - of course!

With all the book and movie recognizable themes, it held the interest of even the tiny folks. Joli might have gotten bored of just house after house of lights, but to see Winnie-the-Pooh and Ariel and Mickey and so on and so on, kept her going for hours. Of course Harry Potter was one of my favorites. There were several HP families.

Another one of my favorites was this sweet book themed one. I'm sure I've seen this image someplace before but I can't remember where - anyone have a clue? This yard had this large card as well as....

...these oversized books and....

.... this sign.

Of course who can resist Gingy from Shrek.

Or Calvin and Hobbes. I particularly liked the evil snowmen.

The holidays wouldn't be the same without Charlie Brown and the gang.

One clever family had a big "elf yourself" display. Here's Joli elf.

This running holiday train town filled a whole front yard. Wish you could see it whooshing by in real time.